What is Havening and How Could it Help you Change Your Life?

By Susanna Sweeney, MSC, MBACP, CHT

This article introduces you to Havening Techniques®, a novel psychosensory technique that is suitable for processing traumatically encoded materials in a safe, gentle and permanent way.

What is Havening?

Watch a nine minute video introduction to this psychosensory modality.

With Dr. Steven and Dr. Ronald Ruden in Dr. Ron's medical practice, Upper Eastside, Manhattan.
  • I have been working closely with the developers of HT, Dr. Steven and Dr. Ronald Ruden since I started working in this way to make sure to keep abreast any developments in the field. The results we get for a wide variety of conditions, with mental health being central to what I do, are outstanding.
  • I also now offer training in HT for people professionals and those to be, please find links below to more information on trainings.

In this article you will learn what HT is, where it comes from, and what it can do for you.

This article is also the starting place for more information on HT.

The series includes:

  • interviews with the co-founders of Havening Techniques®, brothers Dr. Ronald and Dr. Steven Ruden 
  • an article on how you can support yourself at home using HT as a self help tool
  • and an in-depth article on the science behind HT

All of these are linked to below.

But for now, let's start with the basics.


What is Havening?

HT belongs in the realm of psychosensory healing modalities, alongside EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitisation  and Reprocessing), TFT (Thought Field Tapping) and EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique). All of these are techniques use simple interventions like tapping, eye movement and touch  to make changes to emotions and thought patterns.

The processes used in HT are based research findings in the realm of neuroscience. The co-founders of , brothers Dr. Ronald and Dr. Steven Ruden studied reserach findings in this field for many years until they found an answer as to how traumatic memory is encoded in the brain. This gave them clues as to how traumatic memory, which is usually deemed to be permanently installed in the brain- can be decoded.

The interventions used look surprisingly simple. HT uses simple touch applied to arms, hands and face. This touch, via touch receptors in your skin produces delta brain waves which relax your body and mind and allow your subconscious mind to safely bring forward any issues it is ready to heal. 

This healing process is called 'depotentiation'  which refers to traumatically activated receptors on the amygdala being 'depotentiated' or in other words, physically  dismantled. Once these receptors are being dismantled, the emotional connection to the issue or memory will become less and will eventually disappear altogether.

This  can work surprisingly fast- often one session can bring dramatic relief. Sometimes this change can take place in minutes. The client's experience usually is that the work is easy to do, feels safe, effortless and pain free. That is because the delta waves produced by touch have such a relaxing and grounding effect which is helped also by the compassionate presence of the practitioner.

Does Havening Work?

Seeing is believing when it comes to taking in just how fast and effective HT can work.

When you witness an event havening, at the start the client is typically very distraught when bringing their attention to the memory of the disturbing event they are working with. Only a couple of minutes later they will typically stabilise as the practitioner uses distraction techniques to limit the clients exposure to traumatic stimulation- and applies Havening Touch alongside.

Another few minutes later, and you will find that the client rates their level of disturbance very low, maybe between a zero and a two.

When you hear somebody taking about it, or me describing it here, it seems unreal. But when you witness it in a live session, you know that this is real, and it works. It's just not what we are used to. We are still living in the Freudian paradigm where we assume that therapy has to take a long, long time in order to be "good".

haveningDr. Ruden on the miracles he has observed during some 40,000 Havening sessions he has performed so far

How Could Havening Therapy Help You?

If you suffer from anxiety, depression, toxic emotions, any fears or phobias, unresolved grief, the symptoms of PTSD, chronic pain, any other disturbing symptoms, or if you simply feel stuck in life and want to reach your full potential- Havening can help you through this rough patch so that you can improve your quality of life and build resilience.

Havening blends well with most modalities or therapies because it is so straightforward, flexible and simple to integrate into most other protocols. Many practitioners combine it with NLP, psychotherapy or alternative therapies. In my bespoke one to one clinic I use Havening Techniques combined with hypnosis. This powerful blend results in extra benefit for your subconscious mind.

What if You Don't Want to Talk About Your Issues?

The pressure to talk is a major obstacle for people accessing help to overcome trauma.

Talking about emotional and traumatic issues can be hard:

Many people impacted by trauma find it hard to find the words to describe what happens, or else find the emotions associated with the trauma become too overwhelming once they barely start talking at all. For others yet, there can be overwhelming shame and anxiety that stops them from ever talking about their trauma to anyone. 

The beauty of working with Havening is that traumatic incidents can be completely depotentiated without you having to give much detail at all. As long as the practitioner has a rough idea of the realm you are working in he or she can guide you safely through the process.

Some practitioners even work entirely content free and don't require you to share anything about the trauma you are working on.

For me, as someone who has worked in the trauma field for over twenty years, it was this ability of Havening Techniques to dismantle the symptoms of trauma safely, without any sense of overwhelm and without any pressure to talk- that strongly drew me to this modality. 

Havening sessions and their outcomes can often look like a 'miracle'- and indeed they often are for the client who is suffering and has tried many other approaches and modalities to no avail when they finally find relief with Havening treatments.

haveningDr. Ronald Ruden quote on the power of Havening.

The Benefits of Working With Havening in a Nutshell

  • Enables you to clear a vast range of issues both emotional and physical.
  • Keep your privacy- no need to talk about your material in any great detail.
  • Fast, reliable and effective in clearing issues.
  • Achieves permanent change.
  • Combines well with other methods which means that as well as from Havening, you can benefit from any and all approaches your chosen practitioner uses 

Is There any Reason You Should not Work With Havening?

It's always a good idea to discuss any concerns and your particular situation with your chosen Havening practitioner before you start.  The practitioner will want to know what medications you are currently taking (if any), and they will do a detailed history taking with you. 

In most situations Havening will be suitable to use. Like any other therapy or form of treatment, it is not a cure-all, but is often able to provide at least some improvement or relief in situations where you cannot work with other modalities or where other modalities have failed.

Find a Havening Practitioner

You can find a Certified Havening practitioner on the website of the Havening Research and Training Center NYC.

More About Havening

Havening und Havening Techniques Ausbildung auf Deutsch

Was ist Havening und wie könnte es Dir helfen, Dein Leben zu verändern?

Deutschsprachige Einführung zum Thema Havening.

Einführende Ausbildung in Havening Techniques®

Kostenfrei: zwei Stunden Videoinhalte für alle die neugierig sind.

Havening Techniques im Gespräch

Susanna Sweeney interviewt von Dr. Michelle Haintz. Wir reden über mein persönliches Erlebnis mit Havening, die Havening Methode und detailliert über die Havening Ausbildung.

Havening Interview zum Kennenlernen mit dem Klopftechnikverband (auf Deutsch)

Susanna Sweeney im Interview über die Havening Methode

Havening Techniques Interview (auf Deutsch)

Susanna Sweeney im Interview über die Havening Methode, die Havening Ausbildung und ihre eigene Reise mit Havening

Havening Techniques® Ausbildung auf Deutsch

Lernen Sie eines der modernsten und faszinierendsten Verfahren zur Auflösung von Traumasymptomen, Angstzuständen, chronischen Schmerzen und anderen Blockaden und zur Stärkung von inneren Ressourcen. Bequem von zu Hause- online.

Havening for Effective, Gentle and Permanent Change

What is Havening and how Could it Help you Change your Life?

This article gives a solid introduction to Havening that I recommend you read first.

Havening Touch- How to use it to Change your Life

Find out why Havening touch works so well and how to perform it at home to calm difficult emotions in minutes and build resilience.

Havening Therapy Compared to Psychotherapy

Find out how the lesser known Havening Techniques®  compares to psychotherapy.

Dr. Ronald Ruden Havening

Dr. Ruden, Co-Creator of Havening in Interview with Susanna Sweeney discussing the history, philosophy and future of Havening Techniques.

Self Havening- How to use this Powerful Self Help Tool for Best Benefit

Find out how Self Havening could help you change your life for the better , and learn how to use it the right way so that you can get maximum benefit.

Does Havening Work?

See the science and watch a client testimonial to see the amazing results Havening produces.

What is Havening?

What is Havening? Find out about this cutting edge therapy modality that can help you with a vast range of issues including anxiety, low mood, low esteem, chronic pains, migraines and more

Havening Techniques- Interviews with the Founding Fathers

Meet Dr. Ron and Dr. Steve Ruden, founders of the Havening Techniques®, who- in two in-depth interviews, disclose the fascinating story of how this cutting edge psychosensory modality was developed.


What is Trauma?

To answer this question in the most up-to-date way possible, I interviewed Dr. Ronald Ruden, co creator of Havening Techniques, who has spent fifteen years and counting of his life studying neuroscience to be able to answer this question.

How Trauma Affects the Brain

Find out from Dr. Ruden what happens in the brain at the moment of traumatization to make the associated encoding permanent.  See ways to decode it.

The Symptoms of Trauma

All my clinical work is focused on dismantling the impact of trauma symptoms going back to traumatically encoded events big and small. See for yourself the wide range of symptoms that can be associated with trauma.

Trauma Science

An interview with Dr. Ronald Ruden on a neuroscientific take on trauma and its effects.

Hypnosis Trauma Therapist- What to Expect

Did you know that hypnosis methods can be used successfully to resolve trauma? Find out more here.

Hypnosis and Trauma Therapy

What are the most suitable trauma tools in the hypnosis world? What should you look for in a hypnotist if you want to use hypnosis to deal with trauma?

I hope you have found this brief article useful in helping you understand more about Havening. Will you give this novel treatment a go? Let our community know in the comments underneath.



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